Like Portfolio 4.1.1, Studio Pro’s 2.3.0 update was primarily a bug fix one. It included fixes for a variety of existing things and a few new ones introduced by iOS 9.
Studio Pro shares many of the same loading options as Portfolio, so it also had to accommodate iOS 9’s App Transport Security, a new system-level policy that requires apps to explicitly opt out of requiring outgoing HTTP connections to be secure. A second and related change is that apps are now required to explicitly specify which URL schemes they will access (e.g., the Dropbox authentication API).
Release Notes
- Added a clear button to the finishing name field.
- Improved image loading and viewing performance.
- Opening the pay invoice panel with the credit card processor in testing mode now shows an alert.
- The client search field now receives keyboard focus when it appears.
- Adjusted the font size of the configuration area on iOS 9.
- Fix for iOS 9 requiring URL schemes used to be listed.
- Fixed a crash resulting from the edit layout button not being disabled when no layout is selected.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when adding the first address/phone number/email address to a client.
- Fixed a rare crash when updating the photo cache and the selection state was out of sync.
- The detailed help in the invoice template editor now goes to the correct document.
- The Stripe interface has been updated to use the 2015-04-07 API.
- Fixed the incorrect rotation that occurred after swiping before the first or after the last photo.
- Changing a layout with a secondary screen connected now correctly updates the metadata without reloading.
- Duplicating a layout item in a price list now correctly selects the layout on the duplicate.